Written by
Jiang Shihai, Pingle Middle School, Qionglai City, Sichuan, China
To many Chinese kids who live in small villages,a bow and arrow is a very common toy.When I was a small boy,my dad taught me how to make a bow out of bamboo.It's very simple.First all you need is to find some old bamboo-only matured bamboo is flexible and strong enough to withstand being bent.
After you've got your bamboo,you need to cut off all the branches and leaves with a knife,as well as cut the bamboo down to the size you want your bow to be.Short or long,both are ok.Bamboo is very strong and will help you to shoot your bow further.But even if you can't shoot it far,bamboo bows still look very cool.
Next you need to take your bamboo and bend it back slightly,but not so far that you break it!Once you have bent the bamboo,take some string and tie the two ends of the bamboo together to create your bow.
After that comes the easy part.Find a thin stick for an arrow.Put the arrow and the bow together,and you have just made one of the most popular toys Chinese farming town toys.Even though it's a simple toy,it still brings so much happiness and good memories to kids all across the world